Our Student Ministries are aimed at students in grades 5-12. So if your tweens and teens are looking for a place to learn about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a fun, current and exciting way--look no further than the ShoreLife!
Our Junior High and High School ministry connects students to like-minded kids and encourages them to CONNECT UP (with God), CONNECT IN (with fellow brothers and sisters) and CONNECT OUT (with those who don't know Jesus Christ).
For those in 5th and 6th Grade, we offer a great ministry dedicated to the needs of these students. We call it CATALYST and it's great opportunity for those transitioning from Elementary to Junior High to seek God on their level and grow their passion to continue their journey in faith, hope and love.
To find out more about these ministries, upcoming events or mid-week group happenings, please contact Pastor Josh here.