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The word Incomparable defined is: 1. without an equal in quality or extent; matchless, 2. unable to be compared; totally different in nature or extent.
When we think of Jesus-His attributes, His life, His sacrifice, His power and everything that He encompasses- there should be no surprise that the word Incomparable be used to define Him. This year long series will focus on Christ and the impact of His life that transformed the world from the time of the first church to now.
Greater than the Prophets
10/14/18 | Pastor Andrew Garland
In Christ Alone
10/21/18 | Pastor Josh Case
Greater than the Angels & Moses
10/28/18 | Pastor Andrew Garland
Incomparable Rest
11/04/18 | Pastor Andrew Garland
Greater than the Priesthood
11/11/18 | Pastor Andrew Garland
Greater than Old Covenant
11/18/18 | Pastor Andrew Garland
The Incomparable Hope
12/2/18 | Pastor Andrew Garland
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