Throughout the Bible, we read countless stories defining what it means to have Strength and Courage. From the time of Abraham and Sarah to Joshua and beyond, so many stories encourage us to live out our lives full of Strength and Courage. As we continue through this year long series, we will enter this spring season looking at another and probably more prominent example of Strength and Courage - the first church. After Jesus gave His great commission to the Apostles and ascended into heaven, the church of God was born and from that point on, Strength and Courage through faith in Jesus Christ was the backbone to the success of the Apostles igniting the flame of the Gospel that has since spread through the world. And it all started with... The ACTS of STRENGTH & COURAGE.
APRIL 8, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
MAY 6, 2018 | Pastor Josh Case
JUNE 3, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
APRIL 15, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
MAY 13, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
JUNE 10, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
APRIL 22, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
MAY 27, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
JUNE 17, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland
JUNE 24, 2018 | Pastor Andrew Garland